"So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith."
Paul’s Letter to the Galatians 6:10
At Church of Our Saviour, families of all kinds are welcomed in the family of faith. Beginning with our nursery, through our Godly Play, Middle Saints, youth, confirmation, and adult education programs and events, we work to nourish a wondering, searching faith for God’s people at every stage of life.
We invite you to bring your friends and family into this circle of fellowship and support!
Community Sunday brings together the entire congregation on the first Sunday of each month at 10:00 am, so families can worship together on a regular basis. Our Community Sunday worship includes dramatic readings, the introduction of new music, children’s homilies, and involves the entire church community in our shared life in companionship in a spiritual journey towards the heart of God.
Baptism is the ancient tradition of becoming part of the Christian family and acknowledging that we belong to God. Young families seeking baptism for their children and older children or adults desiring to learn more about baptism are invited to join with other seekers in preparation. Easter is the usual date for baptisms at Church of Our Saviour. We also welcome baptism on Pentecost (50 days after Easter), Epiphany (usually the first Sunday in January), and All Saints’ Sunday (the first Sunday in November). For more information, please contact The Rev. Br. Richard Edward Helmer at .
The Church of Our Saviour Nursery provides a safe place for our youngest visitors and members to play in community while their parents attend our 10:00 am Sunday worship. Nursery care opens at 9:45 every Sunday morning and finishes at 11:30.
Godly Play is our outside-the-box Sunday School program for children ages 3 1/2 years (Pre-K) through fourth grade. Every Sunday morning at 9:45, we welcome children into our Godly Play sanctuaries, where storytellers and greeters wait to shepherd their young and wide-eyed wonder in the stories of the Christian faith and community, and life abundant in the Spirit. For more information, contact the parish office at and visit our Godly Play page.
Middle Saints brings fifth to eighth grade children from the stories they learned in Godly Play to sources they can read, handle, and own: the Bible, the Book of Common Prayer, the liturgy. Our intellectually curious children learn by reading, acting out stories, making sacred objects, examining their own lives, visiting other churches, and doing community service. We hope to bring the children to the age of Confirmation with a firm understanding of the foundations of their religion and a joyous sense of themselves as Christians. Middle Saints meets every Sunday morning beginning at 9:45. For more information, contact Gerry Caprio at .
Our Confirmation Program helps teenagers and adults explore their faith in God and their path with Christ and make, if they wish, a mature commitment to baptismal vows through the rite of confirmation, when our bishop blesses them. The confirmation class meets each month (normally on a Sunday evening) for fellowship and education. In addition each confirmand has an adult mentor. For more information, contact Br. Richard Edward at .
Our lively Youth Program, EPIC (Episcopal People Inciting Change) nourishes the discipleship of our youth standing at the threshold of adulthood. EPIC, our high school youth group, meets most Sunday mornings at 10:00 and also engages in service, fun, leadership, and the wider activities of the church community. For more information, contact Gerry Caprio at .
Families at Church of Our Saviour reflect the diversity of families in Mill Valley and the wider Bay Area. Married couples, single, and LGBT parents lead vibrant families and participate in all levels of our community. One of our members, Randy Tarpey-Schwed, has recently presented to our parish on the development of children’s literature that reflects the diversity of families in our contemporary society. Several of these books are available to view or borrow from our parish library. All are welcome here in the House of God!
Adult Christian Education programs are both regular and seasonal at Church of Our Saviour. On occasions during the church year, we hold adult education forums and lunch following our 10:00 am worship, covering a wide variety of topics forming our faith journey. Regular opportunities to engage in the mystery of God include our lively Bible Dialogue each Wednesday from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon following our weekday Eucharist; and evening and afternoon sessions as scheduled throughout the year. See the calendar to the right for more details. For additional information, contact The Rev. Br. Richard Edward Helmer at or our Adult Education chair, Dryden Liddle at .
Social Events throughout the year bring the community together for service to others, fun activities, retreats, and faith-building and family-nurturing opportunities in Christ’s name. See our calendar to the right for more details.
January 26th
Parish Annual Meeting
11:15 am
March 4th
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
5:30 pm
March 5th
Ash Wednesday Service
10:00 am
March 5th
Ash Wednesday Service
6:00 pm
April 13th
Palm Sunday
10:00 am
April 17th
Maundy Thursday Service
5:30 pm
April 18th
Good Friday Service
12:00 pm
April 20th
Day of Easter 8 am Service
8:00 am
April 20th
Day of Easter 10 am Service
10:00 am
April 20th
Easter Egg Hunt
11:30 am
©2025 Church of Our Saviour