Our Faith, Our Future

Our Faith Our Future CampaignChurch of Our Saviour Capital Campaign 2016

Help Church of Our Saviour achieve a goal of $1.5 million to invest in a Rectory, renovate parts of our church facility, and build a fund for ongoing maintenance and improvements.

Your generosity is critical in helping Church of Our Saviour live into a vital future. Thank you for considering making a faithful commitment to this effort!

Case Statement


Read more about the goals of the campaign and complete a commitment form or contact the office at to speak to a member of our leadership team.

Read our August 2016 campaign update here.


To donate securely online to The Our Faith Our Future Campaign by credit or debit card:

Please note: Church of Our Saviour is charged thirty cents + 2.2% for each online donation



To donate by check, you may write a check payable to Church of Our Saviour with "Capital Campaign" in the memo line, leave it in the offering plate, at the office, or address it to:

The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour
Attn: Treasurer
10 Old Mill Street
Mill Valley, CA 94941


Your gift to the Our Future, Our Faith Campaign is tax deductible.

The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of California and The Episcopal Church, is listed as a tax exempt 501(c)3 non-profit religious organization with the Internal Revenue Service and the State of California. Supporting documentation for this status is available from the parish office at .


April 19th

St. Anne’s Knitting Circle
10:00 am
Fireside Room

April 21st

Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:00 am

April 21st

Godly Play & Faith Quest for Children & Youth
9:45 am

April 21st

Choral Eucharist
10:00 am

April 21st

Rector’s Forum - About Having Bishops
11:15 am

April 21st

Confirmation Class
5:00 pm
Fireside Room

April 24th

Communion Service & Bible Study
10:30 am

April 24th

COS Staff Meeting
3:00 pm
By Zoom

April 24th

Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm

April 28th

Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:00 am

Monthly Calendar

©2024 Church of Our Saviour