Choir of Our Saviour

The Choir of Our Saviour, made up almost entirely of volunteers, has a longstanding tradition of offering music and fellowship at Church of Our Saviour.

We welcome all ages and skill levels in the choir. Our only requirement is that you love to sing with a group!

The Choir normally rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm and sings during the 10:00 am Sunday worship service from September through mid-June, with special services at Christmas Eve and Easter.

Interested in learning more? Join us any Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, contact our director, Michael Gilbertson at , or call the office at (415) 388-1907.

Are you an instrumentalist or a soloist? We would love to have you share your gift for music on a Sunday of your choice. Contact us at !

Listen to Choir of Our Saviour

Listen to a few of the anthems the Choir of Our Saviour has offered just in the past year. The Choir’s repertoire ranges from classics to spirituals. Join us!


O God Beyond All Praising (Parry/Holst)

Elijah Rock (Spiritual)

Psalm 23 (Goodall)

Locus Iste (Bruckner)

Down to the River to Pray (Spiritual)

Choir of Our Saviour



Christmas 2016


December 8th

Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:00 am

December 8th

Godly Play & Faith Quest
9:45 am

December 8th

Choral Communion Service
10:00 am

December 8th

Altar Guild Planning Meeting
11:30 am

December 8th

2:00 pm
The Depot Plaza, 87 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley

December 8th

Learning into Faith: Dinner & Discussion
5:00 pm
Fireside Room, Church of Our Saviour

Monthly Calendar

©2024 Church of Our Saviour