
In the Bleak MidwinterDownload In the Bleak Midwinter (9.69 MB)

In the Bleak Midwinter

The Second Sunday after Christmas
January 2nd, 2011

by The Rev. Richard E. Helmer

We reckon during this journey with the all the business-as-usual that re-enters our lives and threatens like a storm cloud to cover that fragile light of hope and truth the Christ child has brought. We may feel at times we have to fight for a glimpse of the star to keep ourselves properly oriented, we may need to struggle to find the hope that Christmas brought - or that we thought Christmas was meant to bring. But it is the wise men who teach us how to approach this journey, melancholic or not, struggling as we do with the unmet expectations and the long paths before us guided by the flickering light of a distant star.



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