
Apocalyptic DangerDownload Apocalyptic Danger (13.97 MB)

Apocalyptic Danger

Proper 28a
November 15th, 2015

by The Rev. Br. Richard Edward Helmer

So what can we do? The true apocalyptic call -- that which unveils what is truly divine -- is to learn to live faithfully with impermanence and vulnerability. In the waning days of the year to choose courage over fear, hope over despair, and the hard roads of true justice over the easy paths of vengeance. To grieve and bury our dead. To offer solidarity to everyone and Paris and all around the world who suffer from violence. To pray for our enemies and those who hate us. To be compassionate with difference and uncertainty. To recognize that freedom is fragile, as all true life is. And to embrace that humility where, in our frailty, the best life lived is one of love.

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